Saturday, June 9, 2012

OK All Right, I get it, I'm old....

One of my posts regarding the employees of today reminded me of the old folks who used to tell me they walked to school in the snow up hill both ways. At that time I thought they were old and decripit and what the Hell did they know about anything. Now, I find I'm in the same boat as they were so many years ago. I'm the old fool who's complaining about "the kids of today".

I read that post and laughed, for a very short time before realizing most of us as we age come to an understanding about new and different things we see on a daily basis. We don't like change much as we age, but I wonder if that's going to be the case of these younger folks of today. Will the be more adaptable than we were? They've had to do things at warp speed with technology and gadgets we never had to deal with at all.

I understand how difficult it is to accept change, but I also know it must be accepted if we are to live life in this different world than the one we came from. It's difficult at best when we must navigate through all sorts of pages of internet spew and telephone menues only to have a foreign voice on the other end try to understand what we're trying to ask when we don't know quite how to ask whatever it is we want to know.

All of that being said, there is still a void in the marketplace for intelligent life as we know it. People are accepted if they're warm bodies. If they can do some of the work that's a bonus. You rarely find folks these days who are able to do something from start to finish (correctly) without having to make several phone or computer follow-ups to be sure the work is done correctly. It's a challenge at best.

It's too bad they can't all be perfect like me.....

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